Rwanga Foundation Awards – Baghdad 2021

Babylon Media organized the final ceremony for the Rwanga Foundation’s annual Rwanga Awards, marking the 8th consecutive year of this prestigious event. The ceremony unveiled, announced, and awarded winners in ten categories, and was enhanced by a series of entertainment performances. This year, the competition expanded to a national level in coordination with the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The…

Golden Crescent Awards 2021

Babylon Media organized the 2021 edition of the Golden Crescent Awards, an annual event celebrating dramatic and programmatic achievements showcased during the Ramadan season on Iraqi and Arab satellite channels. Established in 2019 by Haider Al-Nuaimi, a journalist specializing in artistic affairs, the Golden Crescent Awards recognize outstanding contributions in television and media. The 2021 Golden Crescent Awards were meticulously…

Rwanga Foundation 2018 Awards

Babylon Media managed and set up the Rwanga Awards, an initiative aimed at improving and fostering the potential of youth in the Kurdistan region. The Rwanga Awards strive to discover talents, strengthen confidence, and gather various artistic, literary, and scientific projects created and developed by young people. The Rwanga Foundation accepts submissions in ten different categories from youth aged 15…