Commemorative ceremony of the late Peshraw Dizayee

Babylon Media organized the commemorative ceremony for Peshraw Dizayee and his 11-month-old daughter, Zhina, held on Saturday in Erbil. The event took place at Saad Abdullah Hall and featured a poignant photo gallery dedicated to Peshraw Dizayee’s life. The ceremony was attended by delegates from various political parties, high-ranking officials, and the immediate and extended family of Mr. Peshraw Dizayee.…

Prince Tahseen Bey’s body receiving Erbil International Airport

Babylon Media organized the ceremony for receiving the body of Prince Tahseen Bey, the Emir of the Yazidis in Iraq and the world, at Erbil International Airport. Special ceremonies took place with the arrival of the plane carrying Prince Tahseen Bey’s body, fulfilling his wish to be buried in the princely palace at the Lalish Temple. The burial took place…

Funeral ceremony of the late Jalal Talabani

Babylon Media organized the funeral ceremony of Jalal Talabani, the former president of Iraq, held in the city of Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan. On Friday, October 6, the plane carrying his body landed at Sulaymaniyah Airport, one of the cities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The coffin, draped in the flag of Iraqi Kurdistan, was received with profound respect.…